Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm a BzzAgent & I have joined my first BzzCampaign

BzzAgent is a wonderful place that connects people like you and I to their favorite brands.
It's exciting to try several different products and share your opinions with family and friends using facebook, blog posts, photos  and Twitter to name a few.
BzzAgent is sending me my first BzzCampaign for Health-Full breads, and I can't wait to receive and review the product, then share the details with my friends and family. The more I participate, the better the campaigns that I'm chosen to participate in! Who can beat free product?! Sign up is free, there is no catch!

BzzAgent (click on the link and start taking surveys and receiving cool products to review today)

You know I've been on a health kick lately due to this challenge I'm in, so I was thrilled to participate in this particular campaign. Join Me:)" alt=""/>


The White List said...

Cool!!! You have to keep us posted on what you get! :-)

Unknown said...

This sounds cool! Gonna check into it.

CocoagirlD said...

hey honey, im one too but have no clue how to really get into it for some reason maybe i will give it another shot.. Thanks for sharing oh and i love that bread..

Skinny said...

Nice- let us know how it goes (:
