Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Remembering Moore, Oklahoma- May 20, 2013- Please Share if you care..

The tragedy in Moore, Oklahoma that claimed 24 lives, including 9 children, still remains fresh in our minds. The EF5 tornado registered as one of the most catastrophic cyclones on the tornado damage scale. May 20, 2013 marks the anniversary of, the loss of 12,000-13,000 homes, billions in wreckage, lost memories, and more grieving hearts than one can count.


Rescuers scanned through debris after this vicious storm swept through the town.
Lifeless bodies were discovered, with expectations to find more. Rescue workers sifted through the ruins, while those that escaped revealed their brave narratives of survival.

Our sincerest and most heartfelt gratitude goes out to The  Champions for Children. These heroes protected numerous children during this hardship, and have remained supportive and invaluable in this challenging year after the storm.


Please help share this video, which displays an emotional rescue at one Oklahoma child care center-

Save the Children has provided for more than 18,000 Oklahoma children and caregivers since the tornadoes hit last year. Considerable restoration programs in the schools continue to benefit children, while providing imperative skills, and coping methods to deal with emotions after this misfortune.
Get Ready Get Safe programs, assist child care centers, schools, and families, so that they may better prepare themselves in the midst of  tragedy.

Please read & share this checklist which tells how to prepare for Disasters created by Save the Children

Take your pledge to protect children!

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