Friday, February 17, 2012

Look what I just got! A brand new washer & a FREE 50 oz. sample bottle of Woolite Complete!

Woolite® COMPLETE: Thx Woolite COMPLETE 4 my free sample! Receive a $2 off coupon !

My washer went on the fritz so I was pleasantly surprised when the day after my new washer arrived, I rec'd my Smiley360 Woolite Complete Mission in the mail! My free 50 oz sample and coupons really made my day. I immediately started washing and was very impressed by how bright my whites were, and how the colors in my other clothing weren't fading and remained vibrant.I washed sweaters, jeans, silk and cotton fabrics, a little bit of everything. The clothes also felt fantastic as well. Thank you Smile360 and Woolite Complete, for providing such a tried and true product. I will continue to be faithful to this brand, now and in the future.

I joined and was sent a free 50 oz sample bottle of Woolite Complete. You just can't beat that! Try it, you'll LOVE it!

There is also a digital coupon/sweepstakes going on, and you know how much I love contests and sweeps! When Woolite reaches 250,000 *likes* on Facebook, all smiley members who have shared their genuine thoughts will be entered in the drawing for an amazing chance to win great prices with the grand prize being a BRAND NEW WASHER AND DRYER. All the more reason to join today!


Fashion Pad said...

Girl I have no doubt you're going to win the grand prize, LOL!

Unknown said...

Good luck in winning the grand prize & the washer looks cool! It's so nice of them to give you free detergent!

Unknown said...

Hmm, gonna have to try that. My whites never get very clean {boys}, but maybe woolite will work. Thanks girly!
