Wednesday, September 28, 2011
It's a *WHY* do you call yourself LocalCeleb? [kind of Day!]HOW did YOU choose YOUR blog name? Do Tell..
So many people ask me-Why oh Why did you pick the name LocalCeleb for your blog. Are you that full of yourself? The answer is Yes.. and a humble..NO! see it's like this. I was lucky enough to become a guest on the Oprah Show in 2006, we were on the show "Mom's who can't say no" Ok..Ok.. So I was guilty of being a divorced/single mom, working all the time and spoiling my kids just a tad..[who isn't] It was an amazing/unexpected whirlwind experience that my children and I will never forget. I was shocked when one of the producers actually called me last week for an update on our lives and an updated picture of my new blended family.After all these years I, of course was ecstatic! I thought we had been forgotten and were so beyond our 15 min. of fame, but after producers were going through some of the older clips, we caught an eye and resurfaced.. Yay! Then in 2008 I wrote into the Tyra Show with one of my brilliant ideas. The first show for that season was titled Opposite Day. I thought that it would be interesting for a woman to propose to a man instead of the other way around. It has been my experience that we always seem to be waiting for WHEN that special question will be popped..Valentine's day? Christmas? My birthday? and if a woman is confident enough, why can't she go out of the box and turn the tables. Well the producers loved that idea and flew us out to New York. Mr. Parks was my boyfriend at the time and had no idea why we were going on the show, he though that we were competing in a couples challenge. I know that some people don't agree with a woman proposing, but some of the most outlandish things I do rarely follow any moral rules or bible verse so here we are four years later and still going strong. After these shows, I became known as The Local Celeb, jokingly my friends and family were always asking for my autograph and still are..crazy nuts that they are.This is how Local Celeb came about, I liked it and I'm sticking with it, and that's my final answer.
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It is so interesting to see how people actually come up with their blog names. I love your story! You are a local celeb! LOL!!!
nice story, I like your blog name.
I think that's a brilliant story behind the name. x hivenn
What a cute blog, <3
love it!
Great story, and great blog name!
This is really awesome because I was wondering how did you come up with the name! So glad you were on both Oprah and the Tyra show! I've never been on tv before...could you see me on the big screen?? lol!
Interesting! Love how the name came together!
Aww that's such a cute story as to getting your blog name. Keep it!
Fashion Nostalgia
That is super cute!!! So you ARE a celeb. Ohhhh, I can't wait to tell my friends, lol. Fab family!
Beautiful evolution you did since this !! Happy for you !!
great story behindt it x
Oh Wow! I love that story, and such a great blog - thanks for stopping by mine :)
Love your blog,
nice feel.
following, if you enjoy our blog please follow too.
Love your photos,
nice summer feel.
following, if you enjoy our blog please follow too.
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