Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's a $39,000.00 or $15 Alligator Bag kind of day!

If you were not lucky enough to snag one of MK and Ashley Olsen's $39,000.00 alligator backpacks, you're in luck. There's more in production! Excited? They are reportedly rushing to keep up with the demand of this extravagant bag that literally flew off the shelves. You can find all the luxury apparel and accessories your heart desires at (MK & Ash's brand)
The $39k bag of your dreams! Cute but not in my price range!
Or how about this lovely Hermes Birkin Crocodile (The Birkin bag is a handmade purse by Hermes and named after the actress Jane Birkin.The bag is a symbol of wealth due to it's high price and elusiveness to the public) The prices range from $9,000.00 to $120,000.00. The costs escalate depending on the materials used, and are distributed to Hermes boutiques on unpredictable schedules and in very limited quantitites, creating scarcity and exclusivity. (Wow! doesn't it make you just want one just because..)
Or then of course we have the *more affordable* $10,000.00 Coach Crocodile bag. Cheaper than both the Hermes and Row, we're on track right? WRONG!
HOW ABOUT THIS..- A very *affordable*, Vintage *genuine* crocodile bag scored off of Ebay for just $15.00 (free shipping)
I have had this bag for 8 years and inquiring minds always want to know about it.
There's plenty of pocket space and roomy zippers on the inside.
Great detail on the back of the bag.
And only the glass eyes and gator teeth a mother could love.


Rashon Carraway said...

From $120,000 To
$39,000 To


Now thats GOOD stuff!

Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

Danielle Barbe said...

those are some expensive purses! i love nice things, but i can't get over that.

Lune said...

Lovely bags, but very expensive too. x

skippysays said...

Wow, you're a master shopper! Beautiful bag!

Unknown said...

GREAT BLOG!! very awesome!!
You got style and flavor!!!
hope u like me
pls follow us:)

Wild Things Grow Here said...

I love that burgandy bag! What a bargain you made on yours though!

Fashion Cappuccino said...

My goodness, that's ridiculously expensive! Kudos for scoring the impressive handbag from Ebay! xoxoxoo

Bravoe Runway said...

$39K for a backpack? I don't care it is alligator or crocodile, but no..that is not an investment piece for that shape..the birkin however..yes! I would love a Hermes Kelly someday, that is the bag that I covet and it doesn't need to be crocodile! I also scored a vintage crocodile bag on ebay, from 1960 there's a fab story behind it and I'll feature it in a few weeks!

Jennifer S. said...

Thanks for always stopping by my blog! I really need to find out what those ppl do that can afford can 120,000 bag....


Clara Turbay said...

i like so much what you post. feel free to check out mine and follow me if you really like.

Shanice said...

These bags are amazing! I love the Coach Croc bag. Of course, I can only drool over it. That was a good alternative that you suggested though.

Rachella - said...

That's so cool. The coach bag is my favorite, though its VERY expensive x

Erika said...

sad for these alligator :(

Vanessa Mercado said...

i super want the row bag! but ur bag from ebay is really nice! love the gator details! following you now!


LA Lynn's said...

Wowzers... such a nice bag & for the price!!!!
